Vanbesien & Partners,
Drukpersstraat 4
1000 Brussels, Belgium
Tel. +32 (0)2 229.19.49

Methodologies & tools
While labels like teaching-training, counselling-advising and coaching-mentoring are used differently depending on the source one consults, we use the label "Coaching & Mentoring" for services rendered to an individual aiming at developing personal and professional abilities, achieving performance goals at increasingly higher levels, and making progress towards career and personal goals.

Our specific Coaching and Mentoring services for Executives are tailor made and are often supported with selected 360° feedback instruments. These are used to build awareness, to focus on priorities and to monitor progress.

There are mainly three purposes for which a personal coaching and mentoring is requested:

Purpose 1: Development

This is the case where the individual needs or wants:
  • to develop in a specific aspect of his/her job
  • guidance because he/she will face new challenges within the current job
  • guidance because he/she has been given a new job
  • to develop untapped talents - personality development and emotional intelligence - becoming more stress resistant, etc
Purpose 2: "re-railment after de-railment"

This is the case when an individual is demonstrating behaviours that are no longer acceptable or when he/she is not performing as expected in a specific area. Often, this is not due to a lack of knowledge or skills, but because of poor insights, wrong judgements, conflicting values and beliefs, or obstructing emotions.

Purpose 3: "Time for Reflection"

Lonely at the top, this "Time for Reflection" is mostly asked by CEOs, Directors and General Managers who need/want someone they can trust to exchange thoughts with on a variety of matters. It satisfies their need to speak with a person outside of their company who has insights and expertise in different matters. This intellectual exercise is a thought process used for evaluating situations, getting new inspiration, challenging ideas and existing ways of thinking, as well as getting a second or third opinion and additional insights. It all serves the purpose of thinking outside the traditional box and sound decision making.

"My mentoring experience with Koen Vanbesien has been totally positive and always surprising. From his vast experience he could ask mind-challenging questions, give suggestions but also share his huge life experience and knowledge in areas I sometimes wouldn't expect."
Daniel ROSCA, Vice President People Development, AIESEC in Belgium (2007)

If you are aware of a need for coaching or mentoring, do not hesitate to contact us and ask for a free initial advice.