Vanbesien & Partners,
Drukpersstraat 4
1000 Brussels, Belgium
Tel. +32 (0)2 229.19.49

Methodologies & Tools

Used in 45 countries by qualified and certified Organisational Development Practitioners, Performance Consultants, Trainers and Coaches, the results driven seminars, workshops and methodologies Vanbesien & Partners provides can be locally adapted to ensure cultural acceptance when necessary.

Intensively researched and field tested by subject matter experts, they are pragmatic and deal with the real world professional needs of people confronted with the 21st century business challenges.

The purpose of all our seminars and workshops is to achieve results that contribute to the bottom line.

Most of them are combined with a
360° feedback instrument.

Seminars impacting ORGANISATIONAL performance

Seminars to enhance LEADERSHIP and HIGH POTENTIAL performance


Seminars to enhance PROJECT effectiveness

Vanbesien & Partners offers a variety of outstanding seminars and workshops created by experts in the field of Project Management, which deal with subjects such as:

How to lead Project Leaders
Project Management
Project Leadership
How to get things done
The Project Team Leader
Making Change happen
Persuasive Communication and Negotiation
Strengthening your Emotional Capabilities - Project Leaders
Confronted with Politics and Power?
Financials for Project Managers


In order to maximize its contribution to Project Management Effectiveness, our Seminar offering addresses “know-how” as well as “know why” and “when” for:
Project Managers
Leaders of Project Managers
Project Team Members
Project Stakeholders

Our approach is basically built on PMI’s Project Management Body of Knowledge.

360° feedback
Most of our seminars include a 360° feedback instrument. These assessments give a quick and accurate overview of the strengths and weaknesses of the participants, vis-à-vis the subject addressed during the seminar. Feedback is an essential element during a developmental process.
Moreover, our feedback instruments also give the opportunity to re-assess after 9-12 months, in order to monitor the evolutions in behaviour and performance.

Depending on your objectives and the analysis of your needs, we adjust our programs so they will best fit the purpose. This might require, but is not limited to, Field Observation, analysis of processes and policies and interviewing essential stakeholders, etc.

EQ – Emotional Competencies
All too often, the ideal profile of a competent project manager is described in a “menu” comprising a long range of technical competencies. In reality, however, most project managers struggle, and even fail, because of lack of Emotional Intelligence. Often, their “technical” approach becomes an obstacle to performance instead of an asset.

Unique: Run your project “alive” and learn more!

Experience best and worst practises, while increasing your understanding, accelerating your learning and enhancing your memory by using Interactive Multi Media Simulations.

Do you want to increase the Effectiveness of your Projects?

If you are considering developing the individual competencies of Project Managers, optimizing Project Team performance, or improving your Organisational Effectiveness related to projects, do not hesitate to contact us and ask for a free initial advice